Blogging facts - Did you know?


With Cabomba Content Strategies, you get the online support you need to take back your time, grow your business, and be a confident, organized Solopreneur or Small Business Owner. 

Grow your business, travel, be a mom, live and THRIVE! 

Take Back Your Freedom!

Juggling your dreams, family time, and business is tough.

More often than not, you're overwhelmed, overworked, and feeling a bit depressed (and a whole lot burned out). 

All because of...

That Never-Ending To-Do List: 

You constantly feel like you're drowning in a sea of tasks. Between managing your business, posting on social media, and caring for your family. The to-do list never seems to get any shorter. 

The Guilt Cycle: 

You struggle with guilt no matter what you choose. Whether it's spending time working on your business or focusing on your family, a niggling voice whispers about neglecting the other. 

The Imposter Syndrome Trap: 

You constantly doubt your abilities and question your decisions. You compare yourself to other seemingly "perfect" women and successful solopreneurs, feeling like you're not good enough or experienced enough. 

Does this sound like you?

It's time for a change!

Sure, you can keep going (most of the time) and do it all by yourself, but burnout is never far away and you don't really get to enjoy the freedom to work when you want or live the way you want. 

Change can be scary, but imagine what you could do with a little extra time...

mom and daughter having fun on the beach

In just one month from now (or less)...

You're waking up to a beautiful sunrise and you can.... breathe. You've just outsourced your Content Creation and Social Media Management and your schedule looks a bit like this:

Spend the morning with your kids or partner.
Work a couple of hours on a project you're obsessed with. 
Take a nice long lunch break and start that book you've wanted to read since forever.
Approve  content from your new Content Management team.
Spend the evening with your friends on the beach or watch that movie they've been asking about for ages. 
three women walking on brown wooden dock near high rise building during daytime

About Me

Hi, I'm Rita, the face behind Cabomba Content Strategies, and I'm here to help you take back control of your life and time. 

Why work with me? 
I've been where you are now: overwhelmed, working 50-hour-plus weeks, being called upon at any time of the day or week, and trying to balance my crazy work schedule while still having fun with family and friends.

You can imagine how that went...

So, I made a change... 

I knew my skills could help other people more—people who actually wanted the help, who were willing to listen to advice and ready to implement at a moment's notice because they knew living and making memories are much more important than working yourself into a mental breakdown
So, now I help successful, brave business owners to get noticed online without spending hours on content strategies, blogs and social media content. 

If you're one of the few who's ready to take back their time and work with me, here's what you can expect:

→No more overwhelming content on your to-do list
→No more saying no because you haven't posted on LinkedIn today. 
→No more spending hours panicking because you don't know what to post or where even to start.
→No more HOPING to get seen by ideal clients.

If this sounds like something you want, get in touch. I've got your back and your content covered.
GO and make those memories!
Rita - The face behind Cassia Content Management
Cassia owl sitting on a laptop with a how to blog search

What I do?

Content Strategies:

Get customised strategies that speak to YOUR ideal audience!
✔ Define your goals
✔ Create a persona
✔ Run an audit
✔ Create a content plan
✔ Brainstorm content ideas
✔ Get a content calendar

Profile Optimisation:

Grow your audience with a complete social media profile that:
✔ Attracts attention
✔ Looks professional
✔ Has relevant keywords
✔ Connects with the right audience

Website Content Optimisation:

Convert your audience into leads and sales with: 
✔ Audience-optimised web pages
✔ SEO-optimised web pages
✔ A customised content plan
✔ Consistent blog posting
✔ Performace tracking
✔ Content updates

Do-It-Yourself Growth Plan:

Get what you need to make a lasting impact:
✔ Weekly tasks
✔ A content calendar
✔ Branded templates
✔ Tailored content strategy
✔ An accountability buddy

The FREEDOM Option:

Take back control of your time with:
✔ Content Strategies
✔ Profile Optimisation
✔Social media management
✔ Website content optimisation

ALL done for you!

LinkedIn Management:

10x Your LinkedIn growth with:
✔ Expert profile optimisation
✔ High-performing content
✔ Engagement done right
✔ Authentic connections
✔ A FREE value to leads system

Here's a little secret...

I don't have any set packages! You get to choose what you need for your business from the services above. 

That means no wasted money spent on Facebook when you only want LinkedIn or Instagram — or upgrading to an unaffordable package JUST because you need a tailored strategy. 

Let's figure out what you need and create a package JUST FOR YOU! 

What do you get?

Projects Completed On Time, Every Time
Peace of mind that the job is done right
Happy customers that can't wait for your next post

What else can you expect?

Digital marketing course study on laptop with books laying around the desk.

✓ Up to date knowledge and systems:

I've done several courses to gain as much knowledge as possible about the digital marketing space. I also take refresher courses to stay relevant and keep up with industry changes. 

✓ Quality: 

Your business is my business. That means I'll be treating your content like I would my own. If that doesn't scream quality, then I don't know what would. 
a row of 5 yellow stars sitting on top of a blue and pink surface

✓ Consistency: 

I make sure your content is updated regularly to keep your message aligned with audience, industry trends and changes.

I also make sure you have content going out on a regular schedule to grow your brand reach and authority.

✓ Comprehensive solutions: 

I don't have a one-size-fits-all approach. Every business is different and deserves a custom solution. 

Tell me what you need, and I'll make it happen. 
Team work
person using computer to check analytics stats

✓ Results-driven:

Don't just throw money at something that clearly doesn't work. 

If it doesn't get the results we want, we'll sit down, have a planning session, adjust the strategy, and try again. 

Free Guides From The Blog

21 November, 2023
Empowering Moms: Launch A Mom Blog In 2024

Mom blogging has emerged as a beacon for mothers seeking to forge a path where career and family intersect seamlessly. Bridging the gap between nurturing a home and expressing creative insights, these mom blogs offer a platform to share unique parenting experiences, useful household tips, and moments of triumph. A mom blog's versatility aligns perfectly […]

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Ready to start making those memories you've been missing out on?

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